That's right folks!
Your items suggestions can be added into the game by my own free will and decisions of course. Why? For one simple reason.

What is the purpose of the shop?
It's simple; the shop is used for making the player's run on [ERROR] a lot easier or fun by any means it can. These items can be bought with Gems (max. 64) and are categorized by rarities, specialness and uniqueness.
How can I submit an item?
Submit a comment on the post with their mechanics, price and if you feel like, add the image of the item you want to be added. I might add some items who are there for some trolling too (only if there's a pre-existing item that actually helps out the player, e.g. Curse of Binding and the opposite of it).
There can be a high chance that some items by yours can be replaced by my own. >:)
Now go onto it and give me items! Oh, and if you're wondering when this is closed, I'm going to say it at a future post and edit the title to [CLOSED].
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day!