Hello everyone! It's been a while.
Gotta say this year's summer was pretty MID.
That being said, game progress has being going well.
July was mostly spent doing concepts and August was making those concepts reality.
With that out of the way, progress report time.
New Intro Themes

Looking back at the demo, there was one part of the game that REALLY bugged me, that of course being the Intro.
So, we've decided to give it a little bit of a touch-up!
It's now split into 2 parts, one that's similar to the OG
Undertale Intro and one that's . . . not.
Changing the stance on the public community + Website News

Starting today, the Discord Server has been made Announcements only.
We felt like it didn't really serve a purpose, besides if you'd wanna talk you'd do so in the Green Sans server.
We'll still keep posting more spoilery stuff there, so be sure to join!
On that note, we're also going to develop the website more!
Check it out from time to time, we'll try to improve it week by week!
Plans for Spotify

As some of you might remember, before the demo's release we tried to get the OST on Spotify (which failed lmao).
Well, we might give it another shot!
For now, only the Game Over and Intro Tracks are released, but more will come!
Truly thank you for reading all of this!
As for closing thoughts, would you like to see something similar to the Ending 3a Animation Showcase we released a while back?
Dunno if that's the type of content you'd enjoy so that's why I'm asking.
Anyhow, see you soon!