Full version of Sunkin’s Wrath was updated to v.1.11 today! Bunch of minor bugs in final episode of the game were fixed.
You can buy full version of the game on Indievania for 2$!
1.11 - 25/05/12
player collision mask visibility bug fixed;
some minor mistakes in level design fixed;
orb collecting bug fixed. 1.1 - 24/05/12 Changelog:
collision masks updated - now it’s easier to hit an enemy with an explosive crate;
dialog system bugs - NPC’s textboxes won’t disappear too fast so you can’t read them;
game won’t quit if you die without save anymore. 1.02 - 18/05/12 Changelog:
medals & options added;
minimap bug fixed;
additional art included. 1.01 - 18/02/12 Changelog:
font bug fixed;
respawn bug fixed;