Welcome to a new update post!!

I'm changing my logo (again)
It started like this:

Then I found out it was generic asf, and it turned into this:

I eventually found a few other similar logos, and I decided to bring back an older design choice:

The circle symbol comes from a series I'm currently working on and it's really important for me. This is what i decided to settle upon:

It merges the new SusieCat logo with the older series logo, using a more recent art style, it turned out nicely. I'll sign my art using this symbol from now on.
Game schedule
I returned to actively develop games!!! At the time of writing I'm working on 3 projects, one which is not directly mine and is a secret (for now) alongside another one, and the third is FNaYoukai Remake. I planned things out, so I should find the time to work on all three constantly. Let's juuuuust hooope thaaat... nothing bad happens

And so another update post is over. Have a "decent" week ig lol, mine's not been great so far.