1 month ago

sup this post's contents would be too long for the main post headline so it'll be shoved into article

so basically i was digging through old gc message histories and found a fuck ton of interesting info, like for instance SMP development information and notes, a whopping 40 dev chat snapshots were archived.

but thats besides the point, i recently found the remains and plans for a scrapped "dee4wiki", a smlwiki spoof made around i think it was like april, around the time smlwiki and aethos were both takin' off (and that was before the mod was initally cancelled), basically this wiki was aimed at solving the mysterous anomlines of "sodajerk" and "74", 2 things that were most likely made for jokes.

the site would've contianed a lot more sci-fi'ey old-schooley errr magical enchanced horroey elements than most of things which aim at more goofy non-serious vibe, with shit like some lore about the dimension itself what are the inhaitants etc etc, its all complex, needless to say this site never saw the light of day. being canned presumably due to the drama sorrounding aethos and smlwiki.

if i can recall i think the site would've had a tie-in cover of a song (not sure if it was Doomsday or Aethos) where like, KitOdin goes insane and kills Duj like at the end of the song which explains his corpse on the front page, dont think i ever gone that far with the cover :P

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Next up

alright friendos

my turn on the color sheet

me litt le childrens


A new challenger is coming not only to KitOdin's Basics, but also Baldi's Basics TIMES!

appearing in a big plus mod outside of smp is a monumental achivement, to the point where i have to put it in news.

1. i finshed reading and... (2nd image momento dento)

2. iron lungs

3. dont.

https://dee4.straw.page/ subit


New Up and Coming mod, will be frequently updated with new content every couple of days guaranteed.

man i love bookmark naming


2. amangis

3. not right now.

subit here : https://dee4.straw.page

Halloween is around the corner, and with it the Fall Festival, take a break from the spooks and enjoy some fun fun fun fun fun

be sure to bring some old friends with its gonna be fun.

he sure is excited to see you lil' boy....

SML Parody : Jerry's Endless Greentexts