It's been awhile since i've done updates, so now they're gonna happen monthly. Now on the actual devlog...
Level 2 progress
Since the demo released last month, i've made a lot of progress on the second level(they used to be called worlds, but now they're levels) If you didn't know, I basically recoded everything about Boiboi, so I have to recode everything here.
I have finished every part of the level besides a cutscene and a boss.
New Cutscenes
I've added cutscenes to the game! They are very similar to the opening intro of the game. Here is a screenshot,

Yes, the spider lady has a gun
It's a laser gun but whatever
Leggs is going to be introduced in this cutscene. She's been in plenty of art and the title screen, but i've never shown her in the game before.
New Miniboss
I've added a new miniboss to the second level of SBB. his name is Glumpy! he tosses his half eaten food (and possibly people) at you, and you have to dodge it. His design is a fusion of Gooey and Dedede from kirby, and Total, a character from the Timmy failure books.

The future
It's going to be smooth sailing from here. I've don't need to worry about bad code I put in the code when I was dumber, so far less glitches to worry about. I'm also planning on adding a multiplayer option the game! As for a release date, I might be able to finish this by march or april, given my progress, but no promises.
That's all for today, see you next time!