1 day ago

Super Mario Bros. x FNF and QT Disstrack concept


Traveler_Snak (first concept)

KrystalPhantasm (first concept)

pixloen (first concept)

SAKKth (first concept)

Smuglutena (first concept)

FrazzDude (fuck you)

GP12810 (first concept)

IGJH (first concept)

Silentzero94 (first concept)

CyanHyprPsychic (first concept)

NinKey (first concept)

matteenstra (first concept)

JoaDash (second concept)

official_no6 (second concept)

BingleDingus (second concept)

Relito23_XD (second concept)



Next up

You ever see these reactions on DeviantArt

Crimson Fog Retake

I didn't change the song because I wanted to rush this shit out

17bucks Ferb Concept

I might work on an Indie Cross related game with more weeks instead of furries

By the way @LeGooey this ain't meant to offend you

I'm not a logo kid anymore but I made this just in case

p1c0 (Remastered)

17fams Album Cover

This will be set to my PFP shortly

Man can somebody keep the past out of my name