Super Negative # 10 (next)
Super Negative # 8 (previous)
Super Negative # 1 (first)
Is it weird that the cover which I had no idea what to do is the best looking cover I did so far?
Anyway, I've been lately really missing doing single illustrations, even if I didn't do them as much before. Working on this webcomic drains a lot of my motivation and energy to draw something else and I've been kinda getting a little sad about it. When drawing this comic, I can only draw in a single way in other to avoid inconsistencies, while when doing something else I can just experiment. They tend end up terrible in the end, but at least I did something different and probably learned something great out of it. I'm not tired of working on Super Negative (although I'm tired overall), I'm just saying I miss doing single illustrations. And I could do more considering I post nothing on Newgrounds.