I've decided to do some world building on this one actually. We have lore for each of the characters prior to their deaths. I left each one on for a couple seconds for you to read them, but they'll be readable in the game when it comes out.
Next up
OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.
I finished off those small details and such. I even actually bug tested the game. All the achievements are obtainable, all the nights are playable.
As said, Phone Calls aren't in, but I'll be leaving a little note thing in the game for yall.
It's time.
What can I say, it is the month of love after all!
my funni art for five nights at freddy's 8th anniversary!!!
The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!
Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag
Chapter 2 Remastered
something something, squares.
I didn't post it in the communities like a fool. Thats just what taking a break does for a man.