I know, a little bit shocking to see me post here, especially since its been..... months...
So, the game released 7 months ago now, which is wild. The games release build... kind of sucks.... There were some bad bugs within the game, and I tried to fix some, but I just couldn't quite figure it out. It was so demotivating that I kind of just left the project in this.... bad... clunky state...
Don't fear, you Chris Pratters, though! I have fixed some of the alluring issues upon randomly looking back at old things. Why I was so dumb back then? I don't know, but the game is finally functional again!!
Some fixes include the audio staying permanently quiet upon messing with the slider, fixing sprites appearing where they aren't supposed to, and a few other small things... that I don't really remember... but I'm sure they exist from past me fiddling with the game.
So go check it out! Especially if your audio was horrible.... sorry about that...