Hi there! So, this is the first devlog for Swapfell: Last Death.
This devlog will contain the progress on the following:
So, since I am the writer, we'll start with..

So, for the progress on the writing aspect of this game,
the intro and most of phase 1's dialogue has been completed!
And, i'm currently starting on phase 2's dialogue!
You can see the notepad file here, although i've made sure not to leak anything.

Anyways, that's basically it for the writing part.
Let's move on to the music part...

This segment will be the shortest because....
The OST is completed already!
You can download the full OST on the game page!

Or you can just listen to the tracks on Soundcloud!
Anyways, on to....

Let's start with the sprites.
Just about all the designs are complete except for some sprite sheets, and a few miscellaneous sprites need to be done as well. (Menu buttons etc.)
As for the art, a member of the team is already taking care of that,
but the sprites are basically done now.
Alright, the next segment of this post is about..

Now, as you may have seen from the previous post, the team got a coder, @chqh_03 , which means the game will come out much faster, and we have been posting pieces of gameplay on the discord server, (I will share the link at the end of the post),
So far, the menu and a small part of the fight have been completed.
I'll show some stuff from the discord server.

*Screenshot Of The Battle*

*Start Menu*

*New screenshot of battle*
The 2 Most recent screenshots come from this short test video, which you can watch through this link or through the discord server.

Else then the main game though, there is more going to be made!
For starters the OST will be remastered in 2025, and there will be versions for hard mode and a reboot style like ULB!

And that's just about it for the devlog!
The game has started to be worked on, and things are going pretty decently.
There will be another devlog once phase 1 is finished, which may take a while.
I will link an invite to the discord server right now,
Anyways, this is @TeamTranexOFFICIAL signing out, see you in the next devlog!
Undertale Text Boxes By Demirramon
Swapfell Last Death by @GogetaSwapFell

see ya next time.