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Hi! this is our first boss, it will give players a lot of work hehe.
Oops good night! I think "Rock" needs a diet
Hi hello people! Today I finished our kitten he was cute, right?
The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!
Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!
Learn more 🔽
foram 9 dias de muito trabalho e este é o resultado espero que todos se divirtam e me relatem bugs, Obrigado por jogar.
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game: https://bit.ly/playwarthundergj
Thank you to everyone who entered!
GOODBYE TRIGGERS! Now with more time to work I removed the grab system that used triggers, now we are using a system that uses raycast and is working very well.
Cheguei na ultima fase do desenvolvimento do game, falta agora só a batalha final com o chefe e correções de pequenos bugs
Congratulations to our INAYAH - Life After Gods quest winners!
The quests may be over, but you can still play the demo at https://bit.ly/playinayah
Learn more 🔽
To correndo contra o tempo para terminar mas ainda tem uns bugs pra corrigir