Hello everyone! Long time no see!
Now some of you may be asking, “Antho it’s been 2 months where the heck have you been?! Is Darkened Spirits cancelled?! Are you dead? WHERE’S THE HECK IS THE DOUBLE DEMO YOU TWAT?!?!?!”, well let me go into a lil Q&A mode to explain what’s happening?
Q: Where have you been? Are you dead?
A: No I am not dead, I’ve been on break for a while which made Darkened Spirits on a LONG Hiatus. I was originally gonna be on a long break when the Double Demo was out but that sorta back fired for me. So yeah i’m still alive and i’m not dead.
A: So I promised to release it during March but the truth is, i’m lazy and I was getting bored of making the game hell I was even gonna cancel it at one point but I decided not to because I have so much people playing my game. So sense I want you guys to have a REALLY great experience playing the Double Demo I may release it somewhere in June. I don’t know when but be on the look out for a next release date.
Q: Will you work on other things than Darkened Spirits?
A: The answer. Yes! Maybe or possibly after the Double Demo I will have full time to work on Demonic Era which is another EXE story that me and my friend BECEnterprises are making. If you haven’t check it out then here’s a link: https://www.deviantart.com/sfg1235deviantart/art/Sonic-exe-Demonic-Origins-784684516 (Also I want to point out that Demonic Era and Darkened Spirits take place in the same universe but in different timelines.) Another thing I will work on is a new update of the PLUS Engine with new sprites, gimmicks and more, and last but not least. A NEW SONIC FANGAME! No it won’t be a exe game and that would lead to this question.
Q: New Sonic game? What are you talking about? Is it a exe game?
A: Well first of all, no it won’t be a exe game but it does serve a prequel to Demonic Era and Darkened Spirits (again I said they take place in the same universe but in different timelines) this time it will be full-length Sonic game with a deep story like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 to feel and fit in the Sonic lore and universe. What will this game be called? Well this game could be called: “Sonic The Hedgehog: Search for the Emeralds” but I want to hear your thoughts on the name, do you want me to keep it or change it? Let me know.
Q: Last question: Are you part of the Wrath Of Exetior team?
A: As of recent, yes I am. Be sure to check it out by typing “Wrath of Exetior” and you should be good to go!
Well I think that’s it, you should be golden. Thanks for checking in this update and to proof that i’m not dead. Thank you and have a nice day.