Before you read this, please, please don't harass or bully anybody that does follow for follow. We are all people, we are all different, we all have our own methods. Now, onto the post.
I've seen a lot of Game Jolt users that do follow for follow, and i have one thing to say to them, and to you, the reader.
Follow for follow is not the right way to get followers. Nor has it ever been. You don't get followers. You earn them.
While, yes, i know, i do follow a lot of people, but if you look at all of the people i'm following, you can see that they're really cool content creators, or my friends. Those are the only people i follow here on Game Jolt. No, i, myself, never did follow for follow, and i never will.
I don't want followers that follow me just because i followed them. I want followers that appreciate and like my content.
And, no, i am not bullying or harassing anyone that does follow for follow. I am just trying to tell them that it's not the way.
And i don't think anybody should come here for popularity. I, myself, didn't come here for that, i came here to share what i'm making.
I am saying this one more time, i have nothing wrong with follow for follow users, i just don't think it's the right way to gain followers.