Patch v1.5.0 is released!
It's the a Steam build version that is cleaner and looks better.
The original intent was to add new regions, some new story elements, VR mode and controller support. Well I (Chris) ended up doing more admin work than expected from time of announcing what v.1.5.0 would have in it. With the timeline of Nov 26th on my heels I ended up doing
Set up store page for Steam, finished the qualifying pipeline and created artwork for banners, thumbnails and more
Set up store page for Humble Bundle as well
Paid Co-Creator Mike Moore for his awesome work he provided from v0.0.0 to v1.3.5. Moving forward, he will be working on his own projects but may be a contractor in the future! I look forward to working with him again when the time comes.
Remade the trailer with better audio music in the background
Options menu, fixed Resolution that would start at 1 instead of 100, so now folks don't have to adjust that, it's 100 now
Doors can open based on which direction I wanted them to rotate
Extras menu text changed to include all you fine folks who played it and expressing gratitude for it!
Fixed audio volumes volume and added a few new ones for better atmosphere effect
Added level streaming
Set Level streaming volumes
Make sure checkpoints still worked as intended
Reset how players spawn into the world
Let level load order differently
Set pause and death menu to act accordingly to new system
Readjusted scare structure in crypts
Fixed AI navigation issue for the final chase
Enabled it so poppy can walk inside the graveyard
Readjusted end credits to match new level loading system
Fixed footstep sounds to match the material players are stepping on (except in the grave, it's always grass footstep, I think it's because how I painted the ground texture)
Added controller support for player and menu's. This took more work than expected. Focus in menus can be tough.
Enabled controller sensitivity to the options menu
Fixed issue where player would move slower if they looked up or down all the way. That does not happen anymore!
Disabled moving until loading screen is gone.
Fixed flashlight being a beam if players set shadows to low. Now the brightness adjusts based on shadow setting to something more reasonable
Replaced parking lot car with a better model
Puddles in the parking lot and crypt for better ambiance
Created a dust particle effect and added it to the nun rooms and some crypt areas for better ambiance
Scares have specific stinger sounds now instead of random, this is a artistic choice
That's what I ended up doing! So as you can see it was quite a lot on the plate still, but necessary. So, again the goal of v.1.5.0 was to add new regions, some new story elements, VR mode and controller support. Well I got controller support in. Next I will focus on the VR mode.
After the VR mode is completed I will finish work on a 2D game I made that has been shelved called Villain's Chase. Once that's released to the wild, I will most likely work on a Tall Poppy 2. So the new regions, story elements and new spooks will be in that. I won't give a timeline yet, but when the time comes for it to be shown, you will know! I hope you guys are along this journey with me! Check out my link tree, jump in Discord and hang out!