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Possible game production dates
The current forecast is that the Franchise will end in 2035 in FNaF FFPS Plus
(Don't forget, there can be a UCN plus and a fnac plus, But I'm still uncertain about that.)
Have you apologized for breaking Helpy a thousand times?
Helpy 07 will kill you if you don't apologize, he is very vengeful
It looks like you did something Helpy didn't want to see
Plus/Stylized Nedd Bear in catalog
I made this concept render in celebration of the page's 80 followers
(yes I'm still going to add the triangle, which will probably win the vote)
Original model by:
Happy Birthday FNaF 3
I made this render to celebrate 9 years of fnaf 3
By the way, today is also my birthday, I turned 13 today
Stylized Nedd Bear (Plus) V1
Sorry for the lack of a tie, I'll fix that soon
The original model is from StarP3D
It was originally "Spring MR.Hippo ", but I edited it to become Nedd Bear
Video of the pack
''Could someone be at my window?''
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