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Progress update! Hey ya'll! We've been hard at work continuing this project as promised :) While we're not ready to share a new build or video just yet, I am happy to share these screenshots of Green Forest! Keep your eyes peeled for more soon!
Teaser 7 | Stay in the dark
Radical Highway Remake Video! Hey all, we've been teasing it a while but the Radical Highway video is finally here! Demo 2.0 is making good progress and I hope to launch it this month!
Teaser 2 | Developed Photos
Teaser 6 | VW53aWxsaW5nIFNvdWxzIA==
Model update and new screenshots! Hey all! Thanks to our new talented 3d-artist Nova, we've been able to finally give Sonic his full late 90's glory in with fantastic fidelity! Enjoy these new screenshots of City Escape, VS Bigfoot and Metal Harbor!
Teaser 9 | Too Far Gone
Teaser 5 | S A V E T H E M
DEMO HOTFIX 1.1.1 A quick hotfix for the last patch! I sadly wasn't able to recreate the bugs mentioned, so I've attemped to reinforce the parts of the code that were problematic. If you still encounter these let me know!
Green Forest Remake Video! Hey all, with Demo 2.0 getting ever closer we're excited to show the first gameplay footage of Green Forest! This also shows our new gameplay HUD along with a host of camera and visual improvements.