I come across this terrifying Mario picture on twitter which is in Super Mario 64 files discovered by WB #MeminSweep saying: “Discovery: Deep into the files of Super Mario 64 you may find what appears to be an early game over screen, featuring a much more sinister tone. It is unknown the purpose of the image, as no Nintendo employee has come to comment on it” Is this real or fake?

2 years ago
Terrifying Mario picture from Super Mario 64 files (That is what I read from twitter) is this real or fake?
Next up
Sonic Superstars - Short Animation (Offical - SEGA)
Sonic Frontiers is out. But not on steam at least not in my case. Link:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237320/Sonic_Frontiers/
Official Trailer - Knuckles Series
Happy 32nd Birthday Sonic (Late)
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
Sonic Frontiers - Final Horizon
Sonic Snapped - Unused Sonic Voice Over subscribe to cxmz23 (I don’t think is official)
Netflix - Newest Sonic Prime
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