11 months ago

TFS predictions (NOT LEAKS!)

We'll see how it turns out

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-Prismatic is a link between different versions of reality (seen in the vidoc when a future (?) version of the used Hunter fell into the Prismatic pool)

-Mara Sov will die as how Dark Future predicted it (also seen in the vidoc that she was distressed)

-The Witness will attempt (or succeed in worst case) to control Last City civilians

-Nezarec returns as he warned us (leaks said it, take it with a grain of salt)

-when the Witness is defeated, Sol Divisive will attempt to take its power

-The Guardian will die to either the Taken or the Dread but since we have plot armor, will return using Prismatic somehow

-the Witness will be encountered multiple times during the Raid

-we will see new Champions from the new enemy faction

-Yirix will be encountered (either in TFS or an episode afterwards)



Next up

And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.

I recently drew these two

Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust

Progress with the sketch

Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.

They weren’t lying, Banshee is really giving out a free Adept Hothead

Anyone who owns the game right now should hop on and grab it before it goes away because this is practically just freebies like we’ve never seen before

Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)

Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite

It's been confirmed.

With the release of the Final Shape, all weapons will be partially unsunset and usable again. However they will be returning overtime in new ways.

Guardians, we are so back.

Made more progress with the fifth scene.

He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.

Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."

How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.

Don’t forget to prepare your load outs and characters for The Final Shape on Tuesday before servers go offline tomorrow!

Take note that sunset gear is getting unsunset and is viable again!


The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state

There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished