2 years ago

TG S.3 Ep.10: Showdown in the Cafeteria

The 4 head down from the roof to head to the cafeteria until they were stopped by the Ward who was looking for them to kill them, ordered by Contact before he became unconscious

Ward: found you…

Volume: Jeez.. always chaos

Volume: Another fight I guess

Ward charges into Volume and rips off his left arm

Volume yells in agony

Volume: I-I just got done healing that arm

Volume punches Ward

Aromatic runs to Ward and pokes one of his eye with an scalpel

Ward: AGHH

Aromatic: David, Gastrol, you two get out of here, go somewhere safe and bring Volume with you, he’s hurt now

David: What about you?

Aromatic: Don’t worry about me.

David and Gastrol takes Volume and finds somewhere safe

Aromatic turns back to Ward as the 3 leaves to safety

Aromatic: let’s dance, big-eyed freak.

Ward: gladly.

Aromatic and Ward starts fighting each other, dodging and attacking, until then Aromatic pulls out a tweezer and smashes it into Ward’s arm


Aromatic takes the glove off from his right hand and punches Ward which makes him create a dent in the ground

Aromatic: I guess hard work pays off

Ward: ghhhakpammm…..

Aromatic goes into the cafeteria and finds Gastrol, David, and Volume all safe

Aromatic: Hey guys, how’s Volume

David: It’s okay, he’s healing

Volume: …yeah… I can regenerate

Gastrol: Don’t talk too much, Volume, save your energy, okay?

Volume: hhghn

Gastrol: But yeah, he’s doing okay, it’s a minor bleed for him

Aromatic: Let me inspect him, I am a doctor after all

David: You’re a dentist

Aromatic: shhh

Aromatic: Gastrol’s right, it’s a minor bleed for Volume, if he’s able to regenerate then he’ll be able to recover from his injury

Gastrol: I’ll go make food



Next up

Hanging out with your boys is best feeling

Where it belongs

Goofy goofy

The Garage Fan

My character during last week

I love this emoji

