Gavin tinklehimire is the younger brother to Marvin tinklehimire (another oc)
Gavin has spent basically his whole life in Japan with his mom and grandparents because Gavin's parents got a divorce when Gavin was 2 because his dad cheated on his mom with another woman, Gavin stays with his mom and Marvin stays with his dad.
Gavin fell in love with Japanese culture and he also fell in love with a woman named Rudy because her eyes were the same color as a ruby and they got married when Gavin was about 23 but unfortunately Ruby died due to some thugs trying to rob them Gavin tried to stop them but he wasn't able to. After that happened Gavin decided to become a swords man so then he can protect the people he loves.
Gavin decided to move to weeping hollow to build a hotel with some Japanese decor and a picture of Ruby in the main lobby because Ruby always wanted to move to America and build an hotel.
After a certain set of events Gavin let Marvin turn the basement of the hotel into a lab were Marvin can do his experiments and make all sorts of machines.
Gavin also likes magazines and origami.
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