SUNKY the PC Port might be a success than my other games at Polygonist Games.
I'm happy that they've enjoyed it, and even the epic people, such as JoeDoughBoi.
And now I can get a tons of W's.
This has to be the happiest day of my life, I though my game would be a fail like the others... but nope, Lord Sunk (Fun X) has gained a lot of attention for this game and got tons of followers.
I'm glad that i've reached the goal of becoming one of the coolest EXEs community, even SUNKY community.
If you like to see more game made by me, check out my team account named "Polygonist Games", we make Kirby's Adventure's PLUS (Creepypasta Game).
And check out our brand new Sunky game called "SUNKY.XYZ"
Well, that's it, I guess.
Again, thank you for enjoying my game and make lots of gameplays.
I'll see you soon in the next update, or maybe make some news of Kirby's Adventure PLUS development.