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I have a lot of ideas and I don't know what to do?
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When @Sal-The-Blue_Fox Cancelled The Game And wanted to make me cry.
Read article please
Tiny Arena OST got me like:
new oc moment.
S潭蛬泰A檀蛣虓蛠态太瘫Y痰探蛢號抬 谈蜐虅蛵蛶蜋G谈虅袒坍O檀虒虇炭泰虠O檀虛泰态D痰虅探虒酞蛶虧N檀蜅台蹋I痰虜處炭蛵太虣G痰虒蛣虅酞H谭虓虧T檀虂蛣蛢虨,谈蛫蜅蛽 谈蛣蹋台M檀虖蛢碳蛵坦Y檀蛯抬 谈蜅虁蛣胎虦虣F谈虖蛠蛣蛿A痰虉虜虧胎台T潭蛣叹虈苔虡H谈蛼瘫E谈虤虄蹋态R檀蛡蛬虗蛨蛪!谈蛡太贪蜋
I love this dude
I tried to make Metal Sonic a new title, something long and color not clear.
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