Doomies: Reloaded+

4 years ago

Thank you guys for your support! New updates are coming...

Hi! How's everything going? Personally i'm feeling really great right now.

Doomies: Reloaded at the start was a project that was made only for one porpuse, saving my mother's live.

You see... When i was making the game, i was thinking of it as my first commercial game, the reason was that my mother had a tumor in her lung, we didn't knew really if it was cancerous or what, but the thing that we knew it's that the surgery was expensive, really expensive. So much that we really couldn't afford the price. So, in my fear, i created the first version of Doomies: Reloaded in 1 month and selled it for 2 dollars.

It didn't made any money, literally. Nobody played it. The good thing is that some of our family members gave us money so she could go to Sonora where there was a doctor that was very close to us. And would pay us some of the costs and also doing the surgery for my mother.

The tumor was benign thank god, and it was just matter of removing the shit out. But still, i was a little depressed, the game didn't made any money, nobody played it, and worst of all. I though really hard that this was the best game i ever made! And you know, later i just released it for free, so at least people played it. But that didn't even worked somehow. The game was a failure, and seeing that i couldn't even help in the situation because i'm a minor and i don't work, was total bullshit.

Later, when everything calmed down, a friend of mine told me "hey, why you don't make a remaster of the game? To see how it goes" and the idea for me was pretty good, the game was really good already but it had some problems, and a somewhat lack of content.

So i did it, and for my surprise, it went pretty decent! It didn't had a lot of downloads really. But it was good enough, and also people that played the game, on gameplays or just send me a message. Really loved the game! Wich makes me super happy. I even got fan art of Emily wich it's absolutely amazing.

So i'm gonna make several updates for the game, for now what i can tell about the development, it's that i'm making some polish in the sound design and game feel and also adding a new weapon, wich it's a badass railgun!

Called the "BFR-3000" wich it's totally not a reference to another doomed game xD.


And the last thing i wan't to say it's thank you!

I totally love you guys, i love the fact that you actually enjoyed the game and i hope to never dissapoint you with new games, and new updates.

So please tell me what you want to see in the new update! I'm gonna be atent to new suggestions and opinions of the new stuff i add.

And also if you saw some weird bug, glitch or crash even. Please tell me!

So yeah, Goodbye! Hope you have a great weekend.

Here's my twitter if you want to know more about what i'm working: Richard08 (@richard08Games) / Twitter



Next up

Doomies: Reloaded+ v2.1 Update | New weapons, new enemies and new mechanics!

I've just relased a new game! it's Uber Squad, an action roguelike game where you control many characters at the same time.


Adding a bullet time effect for the next update of my game.

You can play it here:

#action #arcade #retro #scifi #survival #shooter #other

Adding lights and a combo system for the next update of my game.

Play it here:

v2.2 Update! | New mechanics and new stunning visuals!

Doomies sequel is here! Well... always was here.

Doomies: Reloaded is now available for free! It was already available for paid on itch, but it was a failure.

Here's the link:

I hope you enjoy it!

Sci-Fi tilesets, monsters and weapons assets from one of my games are now available for any project of yours.…

Chiaki Nanami!



Ibuki Mioda!