Hey everyone! Thanks for getting the page to 1000 followers, it's really nice to see. I know a lot of people were already here for the original collection and it's probably only a small minority here for Remix Collection and 2.0 stuff, but I still appreciate it regardless.
I'm gonna be somewhat transparent with you all, FNaS 2 and 3 are both on the verge of completion. FNaS 2 has been "almost done" for a few months and FNaS 3 just reached that status yesterday. The main reason FNaS 2 hasn't released despite being in this state for a while is for one simple reason though, being the minigames. The spritework for the minigames is being redone from the ground up because (shockingly) there are no credits to the original pixel artists in FNaS 2 and 3 and the minigames were EXTREMELY bad in the originals, so overhauling them just made sense. Unfortunately, pixel art takes a lot of time, and it's held up FNaS 2's release. I want to shoot for a mid-June or earlier release though, as that's about the gap of time between the original releases of FNaS 1 and 2. However, delays may happen, we don't know.
In other news, I will be starting coding on FNaS 4 2.0 soon. I'm also going to mention that FNaS 4 Halloween will receive a 2.0 update alongside 4, however it won't be a full recode, I'm just going to be recoding the AIs and replacing a couple things.
Once again, I will also reiterate that there are two official games planned after Remix Collection fully releases, one being a fully original game set after FNaS 4 and a remake of a game that most people are familiar with, both being official. It's still too early to reveal details, but I want everyone to be aware that my legacy isn't just "the lady who recoded FNaS 1-5 and made Clone Sonic annoying" lol. There is some original stuff to look forward to.
That's all, thanks for reading ❤️