oi. deacon here yet again, but with a kind of bigger announcement. we have officially hit 20 followers! now, i know that may not be a lot, but i’d still say its a pretty decently big milestone. so, i, and other members of team surge, decided to reveal TWO NEW DESIGNS today! first up, we have a redesign of the sans of the au, nogla!

quote of aidan, the design director: “I said my idea was that, he was going to be wearing a usual outfit from Celtic Ireland, but instead of a rope or string around the waist it’s a sweatshirt. It breaks away the immersion and makes it more funny when nogla just comes out of nowhere in a Celtic based area”
i loved this idea, so when he drew this up, i knew i wanted it to be official!
anyways, for the second design reveal, its of the alphys of the au, delirious. this is actually the first MAJOR design reveal, so this is a pretty big deal!

now keep in mind, this was the CONCEPT ART. i really liked this design, and i wanted it to stay like this, but due to the fact that it would be extremely hard to sprite, i uh…tweaked it, and its actually kinda dissapointing how the final design came out, but eh, what are ya gonna do?

Delirious’ Battle Sprite (by Deacon)

His Overworld Sprite (By Swords)
i know its only 20 followers, but still, we appreciate it very much. thank you all for the support! also keep in mind, we are still hiring! so, if you wanna help with this, just apply in the discord! but thats really all that i have to say at the moment. again, thank you all so much, and i hope you enjoy the designs!