if you have stuff to say about it then consider rating/reviewing the game on itch if you're able to :> https://maccawtpi.itch.io/blind
Next up
b l i n d is officially OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!
next early access is getting very close to completion. i think i have a good chance of getting it out later this month, if not early next month
screenshot is from a cutscene that's being worked on rn
server's been indefinitely closed
made a start.
i sure love the character archa protagonist of the hit upcoming indie bullet hell platformer video game archa @OPagel
suss this for #ohwday
im away from home for a week starting around the time this is posted (this was scheduled). idk how the internet access will be where im going so i can't guarantee im gonna be online anywhere at all during this time period
ill be back next tuesday i think