4 years ago

#ThankYouScott for everything

Well, i don't know what to say about this... I knew this moment will come into this but seriosly, is this The End for FNAF... i dont know. 7 years we watched in horrors about this game and now it's evolving much better but without our creator by our side it's now hurtfull to see him gone.

• When i was little, i was a weirdo, a nobody for my country some of them they hated me who i am but it doesn't matter because he appeared on my face in the youtube and when i watch Markiplier playing FNAF it was funny as hell i couldn't say his face was definitly traumatizing but i observe the jumpscare, the movements and the creppiness then i realized i feel in love with it i could't control my self for exidemend and when i saw youtubers reacting to the trailers of the FNAF thats it i put the charges on the table because this guy deserves some medal of making games because this guy knows how to make more terrifiting games and because this guy he has a big heart, kindess and good support for all of us, i wished i could meet him but i know you all wanted to meet him but in all the trailers, all the horrific mecanics and all the cutscenes that were interested we already meeted him, in our hearts and in our mind and im thankfull for the games that he created even the coffee robot his kinda cute but Scott needs to had enough, to let go what he had created and have sometime with his family, i respect Scott and i hope hes doing well.

• For those who doesn't know about the fame and hate, let them like this ignore them anyway they will realize what they have done and what mistakes or cost have done to their lifes because they will never see how hard is to let go for the loved ones and for those who doesn't know about patience, same let them like this and they will realize what they have done but a little exemple i mean look the comments of the @emilmacko from FNAC:R they have patience i sayied on the comments so many months to make it another month idk if you find it but now shame, SHAME for one of you who disrespects our creator to let them know how much regret they will have and little bit of hint, if your cool, and you hate success and fame, hate me because all of you doesn't know how blessing work, if you want to be racist then hate me not them take me they do nothing wrong so do i but i will protect them no matter what i don't want to see someone suffering because of you (because of them)(haters) they work hard and practice to get success not like you, i draw foxy from GallowS did i see i have success NO it didn't matter because no matter how much likes or how much views did you have didn't matter well i did confes about my Simon drawing from POPGOES but my friend of mine @wendyslaughter69 told me that they need to understand what i draw or what i show and i just wanted is to show my fans what horror look like and i hope they will understand my message.

• And now im out of word seriosly i should say more about him and the teasers what he posted on his site but i'll day this "Scott i know you can't hear me and i know how hard you tried to work on these games but im thankfull enough to say we love and we still support you no matter what, thank you for your games and thank you showed us support for FNAF."


• That's all i wanted to say guys for all of you who support him and showed him some great stuff and i have a project to complete for my drawing and of course idk how to exprese with these words for this that i sayied now about our creator but i hope you understand😉.

See you on the flipside guys.

Leonard Mihai



Next up

Am i losing my mind 3


HOLY CRAP Oh Jesus what the hack omg ik it sounds weird but giltchtrap JESUS IDK OFF uH i saW hes not the only one in the past IDK IDK OK IM PANickING right one omg off din what that means but idk i will post or not i will figure my self ok omg off...

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

I just did a little costume by myself since anything else i couldn't find a pile of a shit hole that i've got in my closed so yeah thats my project that i've been working on😉


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

That seems a little akward to me

Huh whats this?


FINALLY i got golden freddy in my hands and thx to you guys for supporting me and hang on to each other we can do this in this year if we can belive in our selfs im sorry i coudnt post much but i promise ill be active as i can ok guys GOOD HAPPY NEW YEAR

Since Dawkos live streams and Kanes surprises, i decided to make Simon and The Beast from otgw(lovely series) thanks to them im back to my drawings again(nice) without them i couldn't bring my self together because of the school stuff you know... yeah

Rat Race Production Update

After all this hours i FINALY GOT BALLORA ICE ICON YEESSS but its sad i didnt get black ice frost bear icon its cooler then this or not BUT I STILL GOT AN ICON YYEEESSSSS