2 years ago

That Week At Regalito's be like (HOLY SHIT UNEXPECTED SPINOFF?????)

Night 1: Hello? Hey buddy! Welcome to Regalito's Wonderful Pizza Land with the best pizza in the world! So uh, you might die so I'm here to tell you how to not die. But first I need to tell you some things: Some of these animatronics aren't ours. They were salvaged from another place I think it was called Alexfartypenis' but I never been to that place so I can't tell you what it was like but this place is totally better. We have this one animatronic from that place called Deafplayer but he's out of commission so uh... he's behind you. Maybe flash your flashlight at him once and a while. There's 2 others called Greendafox and Gegathefox but they aren't active tonight so you won't have to worry about them. So uh, that dragon animatronic named Flourz is active tonight so uh, hide your ba- I mean shock him with the shock button. Ok goodnight and don't die.

Night 2: Hello? Oh hey, great job! Night 2, heh. So uh, remember what I said about those 2 other animatronics from that other restaurant? Well, you do have to worry about them tonight. Try watching Green to make him go away but I don't think Gega works the same way. Maybe if you hear running, hide under the desk and wait until he leaves. Oh yeah, Regalito. Uh, he won't move until tomorrow so don't worry about him. Goodnight.

Night 3: Hi boss. So uh, I think the nightguard knows too mu- Sorry, that was a joke. Regalito moves tonight. If you see him with normal eyes, shock him. But if you see him with weird black and white eyes, hide under the desk and wait until he leaves. Ok goodnight.

Night 4: So, where do I hide the bo- Oh. Uh, hey! Night 4! I knew you could do it champ. So uh, next night, I need you to go to the backroom and fix a generator malfunction. Hey uh, the rumors aren't true. There wasn't any murders here. Oh right, there's one more animatronic I should mention. Well uh, it's not really an animatronic. It's the endo of the animatronics. There's a camera shock button and you need to shock the endo before it gets the chance to exit the backstage. Ok goodnight and remember what you have to do. (The nightguards getting suspicious. One more slip and he probably will report us to the police)

Night 5: Hello hello? Night 5! Your doing very good! Keep it up, dude! The animatronics get more aggressive tonight so be safe. Oh yeah, the generator. Go fix that shit! Goodnight and keep your balls safe.

Night 6: What, why didn't you go to the generator room yesterday night? The janitor had to fix it, dude! I guess you forgot. So uh, go to the dumpster at back and put trash into the dumpster. Don't forget this time and goodnight. You better remember.


(After night 7)

Nightguard: Finally, I got fired from this deathtra-

*an axe comes and kills the nightgaurd*

Phone guy: It's over, we got him.

???: Very well. Now no one knows of what happened here. Ready for the birthday party?

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This is lowkey one of the coolest ways to advertise a mod dropping tbh

NVM happy birthday FNAF 3

Alexfancypants fans on Nov 3, 2023, after clicking on my most recently released videos:

Corrupted AlexFancyPants

Mf's finding my old posts and commenting 6969 years later be like:

AlexFancyPants sings Young Girl A (AI Cover)

Mf's still waiting for That Week At Regalito's 2 when I announce that the lore for the entire FNAA series (TWAR is canon to it) has essentially been almost fully rewritten, meaning That Week At Regalito's 2 is going to take longer to come out:

Why did I just see all of your guy's moms in the wild?

I hope this works

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