Version 0.2.0 has been released!
After one week of the game being published, I have finally released a version of the game with some bug fixes and new features.
This release is meant to fill the void of what was supposed to be 0.1.0, and what I planned on it attempting. It was a difficult task, but now it is out! You can download it now!
This minor release features:
Titlescreen menu has changed dramatically
Signing in is no longer required
The start of new game modes. Casual and Extreme will be added and completed by 1.0.0
Custom Sign in, Leaderboard, and Trophy UI
Sticky blocks have been added
The option to save and load your levels in the editor has been added
Fixed issue where Remember me broke your game
Fixed Point cubes not appearing after retry
Added Escape key to exit editor level and editor
You can no longer click through the UI in the editor
Credits menu added to support those who helped me
New Logo added
Make sure you report any bugs you find to me. I will definitely be listening and trying to fix them for the patch release. Information on how to install and play the game can be found in the README.txt file in the zip download.