Super Gamingas Bros.
4 years ago

The 2.2 demo is now available on Linux. Expand the article for instructions on how to run it. When 2.2 releases, there will be a proper tutorial.

1. Make sure you have a new linux distro:

2. Open a terminal in the same folder as the game.

Tested on: Ubuntu 20.04 and Manjaro 20.0

3. Execute this command ($ python --version)

4. Install this package depending on the output of the prev. command.

Python 2.x - python3-pygame

Python 3.x - python-pygame

Arch/Manjaro example: $ sudo pacman -S python-pygame

5. Make the game executable ($ chmod +x supergamingasbros)

6. Run the game through a terminal!! ($ ./supergamingasbros)



Next up

It's hard to resist, touching the purple coral thingy :D.

I am working on a new translation system (it won't take long for me to finish it :D).

It's now super easy to add new languages :).

(Also notice how colors now work on Linux!)

I'm currently working on the bossfight system, and it looks AMAZING! (If you're wondering, it works similarly to the UT battle system :))

he stole the flotation sac

github moment

There's a TON of new music in 2.2 (over 40). Here's a track from the most recently added area!

absolute furball of joy, shinx is always the goat <3

He's judging you! (please bring a fire extinguisher D:)

Some of the trophy images :).