Holy HECK we’re going to PAX EAST!
We’ll be exhibiting at PAX East alongside the amazing Armorgames who have pimped out a booth for us along with four other games. There’s sweet games & Prizes aplenty including a giraffe beanie hat, giraffe shirt and PINNNSSS oh and some sweet art cards. So be a PAL and come say “HI! I really think you’re pretty cool and I like your stuff”.
In other news… We’ve changed the name of the game!!
Introducing “The Adventure Pals”
That’s right the game is now slightly easier to pronounce! The name change came after a discussion that’s been going on for a while. Which went a little like this:
“Why should I buy the sequel I’ve never even heard of the first one!”
Also the first game sucks weenies compared to the new game, so we wanted to not associate too closely with it.
New Sexy Promo Art!
This new promo art is brought to you by myself and Janice Chu
So now that’s out of the way let me introduce you a little more to the land of adventure pals!
The Happy Forest lands filled with an abundance of trees, angry deer and squirrels.

Pirate Cove
It’s got cats, not any cats pirate zombie cats.

The Wasteland Wastelands
The dinosaurs have come back in time, spilled nuclear waste everywhere and are trying to rough it out!

It’s atlantis with crabs GEDDDIITT

Super Mystery Place!!
We can’t give away all of our goodies!

So there you have it, we have most of a game right there! not long now until you’ll see that launch date.
Thanks for reading
Follow us on @sapgiraffe | www.SuperAdventurePals.com | www.SuperAdventureLog.tumblr.com
– Julian & Jay <3