✧ Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness ✧

2 years ago

The Alignments of the DR:BtD Cast.

Just something i did cus i felt like it lol.

Regarding the Lawful Evil guy... you will get to know him a bit better later on, be patient (;

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Next up

Wanted to Post just a simple Image with some of the Secret Bosses I came up with, Including Ms. Freefall (Nickname currently), Grrunol and Sputty.

What do you think of these? Let me gladly know!

Big Announcment! We have a New Logo for the Game, more Unique and fitting to the Title and setting.

Art made by: @T-Samuel

I hope you like it!

According to the Bartle Test I am a for the majority a Explorer.

Altough I am not entirely sure if all Questions were correct, may redo it in the Future.

UTDR Logo Requests Final

Happy Valentines Day ya all!

We are done with our Break too, and to start it off; The Catnits Sprite got updated. Hope you like them!

We've created the website!

Made some more Concept Drawings of Miss FreefallTower-Lady here (I need to come up with a proper Name lol), while also trying to rework her Design a bit more.

My Question is: Is it better without or with Wings on her Arms?

Well Ligtners and GentleDarkners; We have reached the End of August, Summer is Over!

Read more in Article.

Sakura The Fox Dragon!

My v3 sona. Will be upgrading my pfp's and stuff here really soon.

I know we arent exactly that far done with the Game, but out of Fun I drew what Camello in Deltafell be like.

Hope you enjoy this little post and Concept I made.