I'm not really sure where to begin with this.
But this song means a LOT to me, it's made me rethink my entire life, which was something I didn't really think was worth living in the first place. I don't think it's a secret I'm a bit fucked up mentally.
My Little Pony as a whole has been such a positive impact on my life, as ridiculous as it sounds. I owe @Junipurrrr (Love you <3) a TON for getting me into it, I don't really know what I'd be doing without it, or her.
And that's gonna sound stupid to lots of people, since I know a lot of friends that absolutely dislike MLP, but it's whatever, like Antonymph says
"Don't care you think it's cringe, because it's not your life"
I sort of like my life, it's worth living, and I know soon enough I'll be dragged back into a depression, but I'll deal with it, I always do.
Thanks for reading my rambling (if you did :3)