1 month ago

The article below is going to explain me and Jako

As you all know, I pretend or act like Jako. As my Online persona or… Persona as you will… To me Jako Isn’t just a OC It’s me. He is the person I want to act but I’m too afraid too in public. He’s extroverted, Cocky, Confident, etc. I want to be like that In public/irl But I’m too Afraid to. To be judged to be classified as the weirdo. I mean Jako and me Pretty much have the same name. I’m not gonna say my irl Name and don’t guess publicly please. But what I’m trying to say is Jako Is not just a OC he is me… the part of me I’m afraid to let out… my true self… that someday I hope will get out. And that I hope all of you will understand

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