Cursed 2
6 years ago

The best ending finale is turning out sweet!



Next up

Development day 7 of my brand new spinoff game. Missing some sounds and graphics but the game is just about playable! Needs more players and enemies next.

a little more done each day

im goin thru a checklist of steps after i make the game's grand finale. lots to do but the end is in sight

CURSED 3 is still in full development and coming along nicely. I honestly can't really give a release window because of work/life/etc. But I am still optimistic for this year.

Introducing CURSED MINIS! while in the middle of larger projects, I have decided to make small games featuring cursed characters that only take around 2 weeks to create. (something tells me itll be like 3). This is CRYSTAL SKULL SMASH

It is VERY stongly advised to play or watch a letsplay of Cursed before playing Cursed 2! Yes it sucked but they are VERY connected thematically. Im running down my final checklist of bugs and fixes before Cursed 2 is released!

got a bunch done today

Cant wait to release the game!!! I'll put up a checklist next on whats left

version 1.5 is live! Widescreen and extras menu added!

After 6 months of work, The huge CURSED3 update is live. I hope returning players enjoy the new content, and I hope NEW players enjoy Cursed3 the way I originally wanted it :) have fun!!!!