Now you may be wondering (or you don't care), Tagey, why would you reupload this? This thing bombed horribly. It was rushed, broken, boring, confusing, anti-climactic and disappointing.
I have a few reasons why.
You guys still had access to it anyway via sharing on something like MediaFire, which is how I got this back lol.
Cabin Fever 2: The End is already almost done. (i'll say again, we are not rushing so please don't worry, and just because it's almost done doesn't mean it will release like in a few days or something)
It allows for self-reflection. We all make bad things but you know what, they allow us to look back and see how much we've improved or it gives us an idea of what we can do to improve. In the moment we may feel like garbage if what we do turns out horrible, I know I did. But after awhile, after you've made something better, moved on, learned from mistakes, etc, what's the point of feeling so bad about it?
I do still like some things about Chapter 2, and I know some others out there do too (i use the word "some" lightly). It's still a part of my history.
For those of you who never got to play it, well here you go. Now don't go expecting something spectacular. I'll remind you. It's not good at all. But I still hope people enjoy delving into one of Tagey's mistakes, we all did that with CRE. Plus, we can all still laugh about the dumb stuff Chapter 2 offers.
Oh and yeah enjoy the actual render for Security Yoshi, which will also be used for The End (not a spoiler everyone knows he's in it lol)