The cursors are apparently really small… uuuuugh I’ll have to fix that
Curse you and my brain for the lack of proper proportions
Next up
Microsoft Clipchamp was acting strange earlier, so uhhh assuming I can’t make it work soon I might have to cancel my Nightmare Night video victory series and or make videos for a while even. So uhh yeah my effin chud life.
#HalloweenCostume I’m not sure I even have it anymore, but this one was kinda a classic of mine when I was younger. So yeah have a costume preview image you’d see on a store page or smth.
Completing Nightmare Night multiple times in TAF: Legacy Edition till The Crowned Misery Side A release. Victory 185
Completing Nightmare Night multiple times in TAF: Legacy Edition till The Crowned Misery Side A release. Victory 186
Completing Nightmare Night multiple times in TAF: Legacy Edition till The Crowned Misery Side A release. Victory 184
When I’m bored
Oh yeah I’m not doing Nightmare Night videos anymore I should’ve specified so uhhh yeah
What do you think of this new character for Powered Up 2
Hi dudes, I uhhh come here to promote Night 4 of By The Hour, I beta tested for the entry of "The Faztazean Shipwreck". Check it out and also uhhhh enjoy.…
How I be feeling right now