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Hello Everyone! I will keep this brief, We are working very hard on making this game be the best we can be. As of right now progress is slow, but we are pushing along! In the meantime, have a look at this preview to a comic we plan on releasing! 30% Done!
MARKET REPORT! ------------------------------------------------- Hello Everyone! progress is going slow and steady! PROGRESS Fight: 2% complete Overworld: 85% Complete Shop: 7% complete (Heres a rough draft lol) Story: 95% complete HELP NEEDED!
Happy Valentines Day everyone! Itemizer Wants to make sure you all feel loved! and wants to let you know that we are working hard on getting a Demo out to you all soon! In the Mean Time, Enjoy this Valentines Day card Straight From The Itemizer himself!
Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.
I'm looking for some coders to help me with this undertale fangame that I've been working on called the Itemizers. This is a payed gig and if you think your up for the challenge my discord is TheDragonFox#0488
Meet The Itemizers! (Note This Is proof of concept, things might change, but enjoy none the less!)
UPDATE! TL:DR -Overworld Is 45 percent complete -Base Battle OST is 50 percent complete -Overworld OST complete! -Backstories COMPLETE! -Battle Sprites 90 percent complete -Overworld sprites are 45 percent complete We have much work left! Stay tuned!
Hello Fellow Patrons! Work has been going steady since our last update, so far we are working on asset building and lore for the story to really get into the depths of each character. Sprite Work OVERALL: 80% Lore: 50% Game: 5% If you have ?'s Ask Away!