Brunch Belfry
17 days ago

The Demo will be held back to St. Patrick's Day, but we have a new move which will be included in the demo, downwards wallclimb, this can be activated by diving into a wall, which climbing into the ground makes you slam.



Next up

Buckaroo - The Brick Equivalent

Sweet Castle Demo 3 Thing Boss ??? Teaser (ignore ash he was waken up at 3am in the morning and is paranoid because he watched those dumbass 3am videos before he slept and has nightmares and paranoia)

more progress

That’s enough Teasers for a Day

April Palette Sheet + References

Even though they did it we will not.

Wanted Dead or Alive. (Bro trust me he’s okay) Demo 3 Boss 4

Working on a song (it’s not being used btw)

@passthememe is a very bad owner!!! He is slaving me!!! This is not what I fought for!! I’m kidding pass is an actual great owner for modding

Lil bro is not sonic the hedgehog 😭🙏