Hello everyone! Antho here, and I found a way to make my announcements long and you may be wondering “WHERE DA HECC IS DA NEXT DEMO?!”, it’s still in development and i’m gonna try and get it out somewhere in March. In this demo, it has a new and improved Green Hill, both Sonic and Tails. I fixed some glitches like the rock glitch and a Knuckles route is being made. I have other plans to change other things as well like Tails vs Exrath and Tails vs Enslaved Tails.
Speaking of the WEF, it may have to be delayed for a bit cause I haven’t become a pro at making bosses just yet. This would also go for the full Tails and Knuckles solo routes. So yeah sorry for that but they might be including in the next demo when I make Mighty, Ray and Eggman playable called “The SegaSonic Demo” but after I finish The Double Demo, I may have to take a break because of my laziness and my boredom.
But i’ll still work on “The SegaSonic Demo” for a little while as I am now focusing on a new project that’s Darkened Spirits related.
What is it? Who knows, maybe it’s something “demonic” that could be played in a “different” perspective. Who knows you all might have to wait and see. ;)
Anyways, I guess that concludes that! Hopefully I can get this hella of a game out by March. In the meantime. See you fishsticks later!
Zkdw duh brx grlqj?
Wublqj wr ilqg wkh vhfuhw iru wkh qhz surmhfw?
Zhoo l’p qrw jrqqd whoo brx ixoob exw L frxog jlyh brx d klqw.
Vrphwklqj wkdw vwduwv zlwk wkh ohwwhu “H”