7 years ago

The dream starts on Mai 18, 2018!!!

We have not given any news for a long time about Koloro but today, after two and a half years of hard work, after liters of sweat, after millions of calories spent, after a ton of neurons lost, after a total exaggeration about efforts provided…

But above all, after two and a half years of fun spent making a video game in team, we are happy to announce that the final release of Koloro will be available on PC / Mac on May 18, 2018 !!!


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Next up

The big creepy spider will be alive soon !

Multi way levels selection is coming.

Let's have a peek of the dangers of Koloro's hard mode.

The perfect controller to play Koloro !

Join our Discord about Koloro !

Chapter 4 : Madness. Kora will faces a world of lava!

A look at the deepest forest and its secrets !

Heavy boss is alive !

Time attack mode is coming soon !

Koloro is out now on Steam !!!