You may ask: Why did I suddenly cancel this game out of nowhere? Well, It's because I don't think I've had enough involvement with the project. My fangame went so out of hand when I didn't even know what was going on behind the scenes.
I created this game back when I was 12, and back then, I had a Discord account. (discord don't ban me pls im 13 now) My parents didn't let me use discord after they found out about Discords minimum age, and since then, this game's discord dissapeared, shattering my connection with the dev team. I haven't seen this game's artist (@Thepoppliothatdoesart ) for a while now, and I hope they understand my choice to cancel this game.
I'm free to move on to other projects now. I can also chat with my friends freely without feeling anxious about this game. But who knows, maybe I might bring this game back some time. So fellas, keep going.