So here I am at the last day of 2022 along with my best friend @MAASTOMIES . We're moments away from launching the fireworks and calling it a day, but I will now type my last message from this year and say how it has been.
Wolfy's Hotel suffered from lack of content and motivation this year. I was trying my best to give everyone the third game we all looked forward to, but just now I realized that it was always about completing a goal, and now I don't have a huge goal in making of WH3 anymore. So I say it's cancelled.
I enjoyed a lot of gaming this year, and it gave me happiness that I can't not be grateful to. Especially later in the year, the Roblox game "The Pizzeria Roleplay Remastered" aka TPRR was really the game that gave me happiness. It is a great game you should try it.
My personal life improved, I became stronger mentally and physically, I hit 19 years and graduated from the job school. I am so happy and glad of my place where I am and I can't be happier. I gained new friends, new fans and new thoughts.
Unfortunately I will have to keep this short as by the time I'm typing this I am in a hurry to go celebrate the new years, but that's okay, there is not much more you need to know about me anyway. Just know that I am doing well and awesome, ready to start the new year with positive mental attitude, just like last year. Good bye and good night everyone, this has been the Redwolfys, yours truly.
(Model credits will be added later)
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