Hi, it's been a while, hasn't it? We wanted to have one last chat about Chomper's: Reborn with you.
When we started this project, we had basically 0 experience with game dev and team management, so it wasn't long before the project was put on hold. Some time later, we came back again, with new members and a bit more experience, but nothing too significant. Eventually, the project was paused again and this cycle repeated itself. At one point, we wanted to get out of the break, but we couldn't, we didn't have the same desire to continue with the project. Even though we were more experienced and mature, we realized that continuing someone else's project wasn't what we really wanted. So, after many delays, we are officially CANCELLING CHOMPER'S REBORN. We know this is a huge disappointment for many of you, but we really have no interest in continuing with this project. And even if we wanted to, we couldn't. The project has become a snowball with no control and no organization, basically a Frankeinstein. In the course of its development, it has undergone many different visions, turning it into an amalgam of concepts and ideas.
Before We go any further, I'd like to give a tip to anyone new to the field of game development, especially FNAF: Game development is about creating stories, characters, universes and so on. Don't get hung up on making fangames of a franchise you love. Explore new areas, it may not give you the success you crave right away, but it will give you happiness. And happiness is the most important thing in the development of something, working with something you don't love will only bring results that are below expectations, both for you and for the public. That's if the project actually goes any further.
This isn't the last you'll hear from us, we're starting to plan a new original project right now, which will be much more organized than Chomper's.
Please don't see this as an end, but rather a new beginning.
- Sincerely, the Skull Case studios team.

(Image made by: @TartarugaGaucha )