8 months ago

the entirety of ex16 (jas lore), shortsplained

chapter 1 summary:

jas has been an android worker along with a couple others to keep a lab sustained. there were 16 androids made in total until the lab shut down, and all of them were named "experiment #". androids were made usually by either taking someone's dna or using someone's dead body and "bringing it back to life". the lab's purpose was to find out a way to resurrect.

the lab was founded by 2 siblings, jasxy and their brother jix. the first 2 experiments were named by the founders as val and cloud, and were directed to be co-founders.

after a few years (there were currently around 5 androids made), the lab went severely downhill with the 2 founders getting into a bad argument and jix ultimately leaving the company for good, leaving jasxy, cloud and val to lead the lab.

at 10 androids, jasxy was severely stressed out and wanted to find out if jix was okay. they sent out cloud to find jix, since jasxy had to stay in the lab at all costs making sure nobody left the lab unsupervised.

cloud eventually found jix, but ultimately got killed and rewired to kill each experiment from the lab, turning the lab into nothing. they were now a ghost and was told to "kill three people to be resurrected".

word got out to jasxy, and they started working on what would be the final 6 experiments. those 6 would be able to have full function over a majority of the lab. for extra security, they have a function that gives them an extra life and a "split-personality" called an "x-form" which makes them much stronger. it only activates if either the android is severely hurt or theandroid is sleeping, while it's original form rests and heals up.


chapter 2 summary:

jas was used to be named E-16. E-16 was the last experiment made, ever since the incident of an android gone missing. E-16 was made out of jasxy's own dna, and their sole purpose was to keep jasxy company during their work.

cloud was able to make their way into the lab. they notice that jasxy and E-16 are close, so during night when E-16's x-form was activated cloud appears to them, dubs them "inky", and manipulates them to kill jasxy via blunt force trauma. inky refuses several times, until cloud strikes a nerve and inky ultimately decides to kill jasxy. jasxy was killed in a locked room with a glass beaker aimed at their head.

inky gets overwhelmed with guilt before they head back to their stasis chamber where they sleep.

22 years pass without the stasis chamber opening. during those 22 years, all the androids discover jasxy's death. during that time, 2 androids find out a way to merge together and name themselves lullaby. 1 android goes out to see the real world as a newspaper boy, and 1 android goes extremely haywire and wrecks the entire lab killing some androids forcing the remaining androids to evacuate and hide in the forest that the lab resides in.

jas wakes up after those 22 years due to a large chunk of metal shattering the stasis chamber. they wake up in a completely destroyed lab and has a hard time recalling anything. after a while of walking around the lab trying to remember where the exit is they encounter the android that destroyed the lab and almost get killed, before frantically running out the exit and tearing their lab coat in two.

in the forest they meet one of their former android friends, 15, who was made before E-16. for a couple months they spent camped out in a small cavern while trying to piece together what their past was like, what caused the incident to happen, and who killed jasxy. E-16 was also named "jas" by E-15 at the time.

one night cloud gets a hold of 15's x-form and tries manipulating them to kill inky/jas. a fight ensues and ends with both 15 and jas severely injured, but alive.

jas eventually departed from E-15 after finding out that val might have still been alive, and departs from them. jas travels to val's cabin which was also located in the forest surrounding the lab.


chapter 3 summary:

jas finds val, and talks about their findings. val tidies up jas and starts talking about what they know. for a few weeks, they spent the time getting more info and preparing for any danger if they were going to do anything about jix / cloud's dissapearance.

they eventually pinpoint jix's location (on top of a mountain), prepare to climb, and set out.

in the midst of climbing, a snowstorm happens and jas loses sight of val. cloud however, uses this opportunity to try and kill off val using the snow to form into hard ice similar to glass. val dies by a shard flying straight towards their head.

after a while, jas finds val in the snow speechless. cloud spots jas and starts hurling more shards at them. after a few minutes of successfull blocks and dodges jas gets pierced twice in the chest and one to the head, and jas falls to the ground.

jas wakes up in a void, where they meet lullaby. lullaby explains that theyve been waiting for jas in the void and informs jas on for merging works, then offers to merge with jas to save themself.

inky wakes up in the snow, still impaled. they take out the shard from their head and, using it as a weapon, fight back cloud. they manage to kill cloud as cloud's locket drops to the ground. inky picks up the locket and slowly continues climbing up to jix's house still severely bleeding out.


and im still working on chapter 4 hi everybody!



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