Sonic Chaos Remake

1 year ago

The fangame is on the Sonic SMS Remake page, thank you :3

1 comment


Next up

new update! V1.1.5

Fixed a couple of bugs

added new options for extras

new resolution (sms screen)

new options menu

added the extras menu

new data selector menu

and much more!

first update to end the year

happy new year everyone see you in the next update

progress... they will have the update soon

#Sonic #SMS #GG #Tails #SonicChaos

Shadow's Dark Beginnings episodes were really good

well something is something I will take care of doing all this myself

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

The update that corrects everything is near and the mobile version is also available

#Sonic #Sms #16bits


Version 1.2.1 available

bug fix

improved boss movements

boss rush and time attack bugs fixed

A new item was added in special phase 1 (only for sonic)

something was added to be able to get the good ending in the game

next version new playable character...