1 month ago

The final image of the FNaF 2 Movie set has recently been revealed! FT. Emma Tami, Elizabeth Lail, and @matthewlillard !

#FNaF #Movie #2 #Final #Image #Set #Revealed #Emma #Tami #Elizabeth #Lail #matthewlillard #Game #Gamejolt



Next up

A new FNaF hoodie design has been revealed a few days ago with Enard and the Funtime Animatronics on the design! Artwork by Snartles. (I know I'm late to this news).

#FNaF #Hoodie #Design #Revealed #Funtime #Animatronics #Enard #Artwork #Gamejolt

I'm glad I was able to video this before Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4 got patched.

#Poppy #Playtime #Chapter #4 #Video #Patched #Game #Gamejolt

So... about POPGOES Plus...

I might make a new FNaF Fan Game instead of continuing POPGOES Plus. Sorry I know, but this time I'm actually devoted to this new game and you'll see soon

#FNaF #Fan #Game #POPGOES #Plus #New #Sorry #Gamejolt

Rat Race Production Update

A FNaF: Sister Location Hex Wave releases next Saturday!!

#FNaF #Sister #Location #Hex #Wave #Release #Releases #Saturday #Game #Gamejolt

Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4 is already broken in just a day.

#Poppy #Playtime #Chatper #4 #Bug #Broken #Day #1 #Game #Gamejolt


Best glitch in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4.

#Poppy #Playtime #Chapter #4 #Best #Glitch #Game #Gamejolt