FNaF Ultimate Custom Night: Multiplayer

7 years ago

The final Nightmare!

Funtime Freddy:

Type: Attacker
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: Funtime Freddy moves from the left to the right and will command Bon Bon to attack at somepoint. Close the Door in which hallway he’s standing at to prevent Bon Bon’s attack.

What’s new?:

-New Renders
-New and improved Jumpscare!


F. Freddy modeled by Bantranic and edited by ChuizaProductions.


Type: Permanent-Distracter
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: Jack-O-Bonnie hates the cold. When you see him appearing in the cameras, turn the heater on to prevent Jack-O-Bonnie from burning every Camera’s Hardware. Destroying the Hardware will obviously disable the Camera for the rest of the Night.

What’s new?:

-New Render


Jack-O-Bonnie modeled by HectorMKG.

Phantom Foxy:

Type: Distracter
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: When you see Phantom Foxy in the Cameras, he will appear on your left in the Office as soon as you put down the Monitor. Flash him quickly or he will jumpscare You, causing a Blackout.

What’s new?:

-New Renders


P. Foxy modeled by CoolioArt.

Shadow Freddy:

Type: Attacker
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: Shadow Freddy sits in the Parts and Services Room. When he’s visible, quickly click on him or you’ll face his Jumpscare!

What’s new?:

-New Render
-A new Jumpscare! (Not improved because he never had a jumpscare)


S. Freddy modeled by CoolioArt.

Twisted Foxy:

Type: Attacker
Attack: Once
Mechanic: It will be appearing in the Office. Flickering, glitching and distorting in the back like a trick of a Light. Flashing it in it’s eyes is the only way to remove it.

What’s New?:

-New Renders
-A New Jumpscare!
-New Jumpscare Sound!


T. Foxy modeled by HayStudios.

Phantom Puppet:

Type: Distracter
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: If the Office has a high temperature and the Global Music box is playing, Phantom Puppet might appear in your Monitor screen. If she does, turn on the A/C to repel her. If you don’t repel her she will come into the Office, making alot of noise but she will leave eventually after a specific amount of time.

What’s new?:

-New Renders


P. Puppet modeled by Spinofan10.

Nightmare Foxy:

Type: Attacker
Attack: Multiple times
Mechanic: Nightmare Foxy comes from the side vent, however you can’t see him coming. There is a Foxy plush on your desk. The plush will indicate when Nightmare Foxy attacks. You don’t have to worry when you see the plush just sitting on your desk but if it looks possessed, close the side vent and keep it closed until it goes back to normal.

What’s new?:

-New Renders
-New and improved jumpscare!


N. Foxy modeled by HectorMKG and ported by Elscamon.
Foxy Plush modeled by W3IRDR3D.



Next up

The Golden Past...


Something is in the Background...


Thank you for over 1.000 Followers!

Jack-O-Bonnie comes to the Show!


Phantom Foxy fades in!

A Shadow fills up a Box! (News at the Bottom!)

Another Puppet to be afraid of...