ID2 Devlog #1
Lately I've been working on starting to support scripted missions for the campaign, as well as a cutscene system. The missions are very early in development so there's not much to show, but it's getting somewhere!
Visual improvements have been made to many of the particle systems, as well as reworked materials and more effects for weapon firing.

The level editor has had it's UI updated, as well as adding new features such as duplicating objects, changing ship spawn settings, shortcuts, and more. I intend to get the level editor to a point where I can create the main missions within this editor, doing this will encourage me to make sure it's capable of a high level of customisation.

The level editor saves the scene with two separate files, one with all the map objects, and another with the ship spawns. Having these separate means you can mix and match different ship spawns (battle layouts) with different maps. Hopefully soon I should have a video of the editor in action.
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